How can I assign someone else to sign a document I received?

Once a recipient views a document and agrees to the Electronic Records and Signatures Disclosure, they can click on More (⋮), located at the upper right corner, and have the ability to select Assign To Someone Else to sign.

Follow these steps to assign your signature step to someone else:
  1. Access your received document through the access link in your email, or find the request in Documents from your Sign.Plus account Dashboard.
  2. Consent to use electronic records and signatures by clicking on the checkbox to agree. Then, click on Confirm.

  3. Click on More (⋮).
  4. Select Assign to Someone Else.

  5. Input the new recipient's name and email.

  6. Click on Reassign.
  7. The newly assigned recipient will now receive a request to sign the document and the document owner will be notified of this change.
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