How can I add or remove users from my team?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Professional, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Accessible to Owners and Admins on Web App.

Seamlessly manage adding and removing users within your corporate account on the Sign.Plus web app. Our intuitive tools allow you to smoothly manage user adjustments, enabling you to efficiently control access and permissions.

Add Users to Team
  1. Log in to your Sign.Plus account, and go to the Users section on your Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Invite New Users icon.

    Note: You can add new users only if there are available Seats on your account.

  3. Enter the email address of the user you would like to add, and click on Confirm. If you would like to invite multiple users at the same time, enter the email addresses separated by a comma.
  4. An email invitation will be sent to the invited user, and they will be prompted to activate their account.

    Tip: If you wish to invite members from your Fax.Plus account, simply click on Invite from Fax.Plus Members, and tick the box right next to their names. Then, click on Confirm.

Remove Users from Team.
  1. Log in to your Sign.Plus account, and go to the Users section on your Dashboard.
  2. Click on More () located to the right of the user you would like to remove.
  3. Click on Remove.
  4. When the confirmation pop-up window is revealed, click on Confirm.

    Warning: Upon removing a member from a team, the user's data within both Sign.Plus and Fax.Plus will be permanently deleted, including all associated documents. This action is irreversible and cannot be undone.

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