Type Your Signature

Type your signature and choose the font that best matches your needs for your documents.
type esignature online generator maker

Free signature generator tool to type your signature online

Need to Add your Signature on a Document or Contract?

Try Sign.Plus for FREE

Type Your Signature for Free

SIGN.PLUS’ free signature maker tool allows you to create and type your own signature in just a few steps. This easy-to-use secure signature generator tool lets you customize and edit your electronic signature to your liking. Choose your font, pick a color and when you are happy with the result, your generated electronic signature is available to download in PNG format. You can then start using it as a template to sign emails or any other document file (i.e. Word or PDF).

Type Your Signature for Free

Benefits of Using the Type eSignature Tool


Select the font and color of your choice for your online signature to add a personal touch to documents.


Typed eSignatures are easy to create and can be used by individuals who may have difficulty handwriting.


Typed eSignatures could be standardized across an organization, ensuring that all documents are signed in a consistent format.


Typed eSignatures can be verified electronically using digital signature technology, providing an added layer of security and authenticity.

Want to eSign documents or send documents for signature?

Get started with Sign.Plus, the secure and free electronic signature solution

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