Online Signature Maker

Sign.Plus’ free online signature generator and signature maker tool helps you create custom eSignatures to sign your documents. You can create your electronic signature by either typing or drawing it. This easy-to-use tool also allows you to edit the color, width, angle and font of your drawn or typed signature. When you are happy with the result, you can download the generated eSignature as a PNG file and place it wherever you want on any email and document file.

custom signature generator maker free
create esignature online scan

Create a Signature Image Online

Making a Signature from a piece of paper is possible using our scanning app. Simply handwrite your own signature on a white paper and from the app, use your phone camera to scan it. You can get everything done through the app or you can import your signature image directly from your phone.

A Secure Cross-Platform eSignature Editor

We have created a free electronic signature solution to run on multiple platforms so it is convenient for you to use. Try it on your phone, tablet, or computer whether you run Windows or macOS. Wherever you decide to store your eSignature, only you have access to it. Alohi does not keep a record of the eSignatures created by our free online signature generator and signature maker tool for privacy reasons. Everything is done on your browser and no one but you has access to your created signature.

secure online signature generator maker

What is a Signature Generator?

A Signature Generator is an online signature maker tool that allows users to create  electronic signatures quickly and easily. This free signature generator tool simplifies the process of signing documents electronically by enabling individuals to draw a signature or type a signature, which can then be used for agreements, contracts, or forms. With features like customizable fonts, colors, and styles, a signature generator ensures that your electronic signature looks professional and unique. This signature maker tool is widely used in business and personal contexts for streamlining document signing, saving time, and ensuring secure, paperless transactions.

How does a Signature Maker work?

A Signature Maker works by allowing users to create an electronic version of their handwritten signature. Typically, this online signature maker tool provides two main options: you can use the handwritten signature generator to draw your signature using a mouse, stylus, or finger on a touchscreen device, or type your name and select from various signature fonts to create a personalized signature. Once generated, the signature can be downloaded and inserted into digital documents such as PDFs, Word files, or contracts.

How do I use a Signature Generator for online contracts?

Using a Signature Generator for online contracts is a simple and efficient process. First, you upload the contract or document that needs signing to a platform that supports electronic signatures, such as a PDF or Word file. Next, open the signature maker tool, where you can either type your name to generate a signature or draw your signature using a mouse, stylus, or finger. Once your signature is created, you can easily drag and drop it into the designated signature field in the contract. You can browse through available contract templates, modify the templates and use the Sign.Plus legally binding eSignature tool to send the contracts for signature.

The Benefits of Using an Online Signature Maker

Using an online signature generator tool for documents offers several benefits, including:

Time-Saving templates

Time Saving

Easily and quickly create an electronic signature - it is faster than traditional methods.
Eco-friendly icon


Transition into a paperless workflow and reduce carbon footprint.
secure icon


Advanced encryption measures to ensure the integrity of electronically signed documents.
conveniency icon


Sign documents electronically from anywhere, at any time, using any internet-connected device.
cross platform icon


Use scanning tools to streamline your workflow and apply your eSignature to secure your documents.
tracking and monitoring icon

Tracking & Monitoring

Signature tools provide visibility into the status of documents, allowing users to track when a document is sent, viewed, signed, and completed.

Why Sign.Plus’ Signature Creator Tool?

Free online signature maker

You can create and download as many eSignatures as you wish without the need to add a payment method. With our intuitive interface and diverse customization options, crafting your signature has never been easier or more enjoyable.

It’s a perfect alternative to manual signatures

The Sign.Plus online signature tool supports touchpads, styluses, trackpads, and other input methods to deliver the best alternative to manual signatures. To generate an eSignature, you can either type or draw your signature.

It’s easy to add the created signature on any document

You can download your generated eSignature in PNG format with a transparent background, which makes it super easy to add it to any document using any document editor or photo editor software.

We respect your privacy

When using our free online signature generator or signature maker tool, rest assured that we do not store any private data, ensuring that you maintain full control over your typed or drawn eSignature. Your information remains secure, accessible only to you.

We simplify your workflow

We believe in empowering users with streamlined document management solutions. Learn how to scan, combine pdf, and manage your files digitally with Scan.Plus productivity tools. Combine scanned documents with Sign.Plus to have a complete secure workflow.

We tailor to your needs

We understand the importance of a cohesive document management strategy. When integrated with our  online fax solution, Fax.Plus, users can effortlessly send and receive documents, and combine with a legally binding eSignature.

Want to eSign documents or send documents for signature?

Get started with Sign.Plus, the secure and free electronic signature solution

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eSignature FAQ

How to create an electronic signature?
You can use Sign.Plus’ free online signature tool to create a handwritten signature by either typing or drawing your electronic signature. You can then pick a color and chose a font for your signature and save it as a PNG in your folder.
Can I draw my signature online?
You can create your electronic signature by using our eSignature tool. You can simply use your finger or your stylus to draw your signature. Then, you can choose a color, modify the width, save your handwritten signature and start using it in your documents.
Can I type my signature online?
You can type your electronic signature by using our electronic signature tool. You can simply use your keyboard to type your signature. Then, you can choose a color, modify the style, save your signature and start using it in your documents.
How to add my electronic signature to an email?
Once you have created and downloaded your electronic signature, you can then add it at the end of your email or any document file. You can insert or copy-paste the PNG file in your document. You can also utilize Sign.Plus free contract templates, customize a template based on your requirements and add an electronic signature to it.
Do you keep a record of my eSignature?
We don’t keep a record of the eSignatures created by our online signature generator or signature maker tool for privacy reasons. Everything is done in your browser and no one but you has access to your created signature. However, if you are looking for a legally-binding electronic signature solution to eSign PDF online, send documents for signature, and manage your signed documents in an encrypted archive, you can try Sign.Plus eSignature solution now.